Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Hi all,
This couple is dear to me because Beth was on our teams to Nicaragua and El Salvador. Beth is a nurse/accountant and David was a truck driver/builder. They both came to Nicaragua last year Nov 06 and they both heard the call of God to go to Zambia. They have sold everything and are going to Zambia! They are almost there!!! This would be a great place to go on a short term mission project. Check out their Blog.
It is crazy how God works and who he chooses to use. Are you on the bench?? Are you ready to get in the game? LETS PLAY!
Trust the Lord
Trust...a big word. Can we really trust God with everything? As I look at the bible true story of Jesus' father Joseph, I could only imagine the call of his heart and the pain inside when Mary told him she was preganant.
God, this can't be true. How can she do this to me! the ultimate betrayal!! I loved her so much and she is coming to me with child! I was never with her! She goes away for a couple of days and this! She is a liar!
Trust...Have you ever been hurt that bad, someone dispace you trust. Do you find it hard to trust again? Matt 1:19 states that " Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly."
Listen to his heart... I love you, Mary! How could you do this? With who? What did that conversation sound like? What did his prayers sound like as he cried out to God?
The key is that Joseph was a "righteous man". I am sure it hurt alot but he knew how to handle the disapointment in his life as a righteous man because he probrbaly learned at a young age to trust God and lean not on his own understanding. The angel comes to Joseph and he obeys. "IF YOU LOVE ME...IF YOU TRUST ME...YOU WILL OBEY ME!!" EVEN WHEN IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.
Are you in a position were something does not make sense? Does it hurt? Are you asking God some tough question?
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
Go to God and trust him.
ET Ramblings...
Friday, December 14, 2007
Truth matters!
“Philosophically, you can believe anything, so long as you do not claim it to be true. Morally, you can practice anything, so long as you do not claim that it is a “better” way. Religiously, you can hold to anything, so long as you do not bring Jesus Christ into it.” “all religions, plainly and simply, can not be true. Some beliefs are false, and we know them to be false. So it does not good to put a halo on the notion of tolerance as if everything could be equally true. In the real life struggles between right and wrong, justice and injustice, life and death, we all realize that truth does matter.”
(Ravi Zacharias Jesus Among Other Gods p. 4)
When conflict enters what is our responsibility?
Matt 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers; for they will be called sons of God.
Wesley states: "The peace makers - They that out of love to God and man do all possible good to all men. Peace in the Scripture sense implies all blessings temporal and eternal. They shall be called the children of God - Shall be acknowledged such by God and man."
Thomas Merton writes: "Man is not at peace with his fellow man because he is not at peace with God.
Are you out of fellowship with someone? Have you made peace with everyone you have a conflict with?
I guess the first question should be... Are you out of fellowship with God? Are you at peace with Him? Know this...you cannot be at peace with God without being at peace with others.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Yet, being a compulsive, everything or bust person, does the success take the place of God?
Does succeeding take a front seat to the actual relationship that is the core behind our success?
Does being saved mean more than the actual relationship with God through Jesus?
Are we worshiping the success?
Seeing people come to the Lord and Grow is our mandate. In Dan 12, it talks about those who lead others to righteousness, for they are like stars! Are we celebrating the hunt and training of others to become stars over our deep relationship with GOD? I know what God wants me to do...to share the Good News of Jesus! It is the best high you can ever have!
God has always had me on the freeway in serving Him. things moved forwards at a fast pace as we took ground for the Lord. It seems that I took a exit that led to a country road and everything slowed down. I miss the evangelistic speeches and trips to talk to people about Jesus. I feel like I am moving in slow motion in a community that is far from God.
Habakkuk 3:16-19 "I heard and my heart pounded, my lips quivered at the sound; decay crept into my bones, and my legs trembled. Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity to come on the nation invading us. Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights."
As a man who has worked all of his life at producing to succeed in business, I cannot tell you how hard this is to work and not see immediate fruit. Yet God in his sovereignty has a plan! Evil is prospering around me and the righteous suffer. The church is fighting itself and God is saying here I am worship me, I have a plan. Is this a season of internal growth to make sure the way for the future? I don't know...but I need to trust God and drive the speed limit until such a time that he tells me to open up the throttle.
While I miss the numbers and success of seeing large numbers of people accept and grow in Christ, I know God is building a foundation for the future. Hey, I'm not in control anyway! God is in control and He will do what is right. I can have confidence in that fact as I drive the speed limit.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Pass the test
Revelation 2:10
When huge pain comes into your life—like divorce, or the loss of a precious family member, or the dream of wholeness shattered—it is good to have a few things settled with God ahead of time. The reason for this is not because it makes grieving easy, but because it gives focus and boundaries for the pain.
Being confident in God does not make the pain less deep, but less broad. If some things are settled with God, there are boundaries around the field of pain. In fact, by being focused and bounded, the pain of loss may go deeper—as a river with banks runs deeper than a flood plain. But with God in his firm and proper place, the pain need not spread out into the endless spaces of ultimate meaning. This is a great blessing, though at the time it may simply feel no more tender than a brick wall. But what a precious wall it is!
As a father, I want to help our twelve-year-old daughter Talitha settle some things with God now, so that when little or big losses come—and they will come—her pain will be bounded and will not carry her out, like a riptide, into the terrifying darkness of doubt about God. So as we read God’s word together twice a day, I point out the mysterious ways of God.
Two days ago, we read this from the lips of Jesus to the church at Smyrna in Revelation 2:10:
Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.
I asked Talitha, “Is Jesus stronger than the devil?” “Yes,” she said. Indeed, I added, ten million times stronger. It’s not even close. In fact, as Mark 1:27 says, “He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” So all Jesus has to do is say to the devil, “You shall not throw my loved ones into prison,” and the devil will not be able to do it. Right, Talitha? Right.
So, Talitha, why does Jesus let the devil do this? Why does he let the devil throw his precious followers in jail and even kill some of them? She shook her head. I said, well, let’s read it again slowly, and you tell me the reason that the Bible gives. Slowly, “Behold the devil is about to throw some of you into prison . . . that . . . you . . . may . . . be . . . tested.” So why does Jesus let this happen, Talitha? “That they may be tested.” That’s right.
And what is being tested? The answer is given in the way Jesus describes what passing the test looks like. He says, “Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Faithfulness to Jesus is being tested. Will his loved ones keep trusting him? Will they keep believing that he has their best interest at heart? That he is wise? That he is good? That he is stronger than all?
So, Talitha, there are a thousand things that God is doing every time something painful happens to you. Most of these you do not know or understand. Job, Joseph, and Esther did not know what God was doing in their losses. But there is always one thing you can know God is doing when pain comes into your life. This is something you can settle with God ahead of time. He is always testing you.
If the test leads to your death, as it did for some of the Christians in Smyrna, Jesus wants you to know something ahead of time. “You will receive the crown of life.” That means he will raise you from the dead and will crown you with the kind of everlasting joy in his presence that will make up for your loses ten-thousand-fold. “Crown” signifies majestic, royal restoration and exaltation.
James says the same thing:
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
Passing the test means loving God to the end.
So settle it, Talitha. Loss and pain are coming into your life, but Jesus is infinitely stronger than the devil. So even if the devil is causing it, as he did in Smyrna, Jesus is letting it happen. And he always has his reasons—more than we can know. One of those reasons is always testing, namely, the testing of our faith and our love for him.
We cannot answer every why question. But there is always this answer: My faith is being tested. And our Lord never wastes his tests. Whether we believe this truth is, in fact, part of the test. In the mind of Jesus, the promise that he would give them the crown of life was enough to sustain the Christians in Smyrna. I pray that it will be enough for Talitha—and for you.
Trusting the wisdom and goodness of Jesus in loss,
Pastor John
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
I guess I am going to have to choose to cheat on someone! (as Andy Stanley says)
I feel myself more and more responsible for ministries that call for a commitment from others. I want to share my intimacy with Christ with other adults (thank you Mick!) yet there are very little lining up! Busyness, dryness, lack of really wanting to know the God that holds our lives in HIS hand...Talk about a SCARY MOVIE!
Yet God says that upon this rock (Jesus) I will build my church. So as I struggle, I need to prioritize the top three in a way that will glorify God. Focus on the family put out a publication on "How to encourage your spirit, strengthen your family and energize your ministry."
1. GOD
Just think ... if in fact you live your lives void of "freshness," you get into a rut and simply go through the motions. If there is not "newness," then you live on "leftovers and warm-ups." If there is no "revival," then you settle for "what is" and lose the desire for growth, both in your own spirit and your ministry. (Focus on the Family email encourager)
I knew about the right list before yet in a new church as the solo pilot you do everything and hear from everybody.
Hey, if I blog about God! Does it fall in number 1? or number 3?
I guess the question for the season your in is...
Who is number one?
Who are you going to choose to cheat on when everything is important! We are fighting for an eternal destiny in the lives of people that would otherwise awake "...to shame and everlasting contempt." (Dan 12:2)
That is indeed the struggle!!
"O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid; O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years made known; in wrath remember mercy" (Habakkuk 3:2 KJV).
Et Ramblings...
Monday, October 01, 2007
God wants our obedience not our opinion!
As for our house (Faith Chapel) we will serve the Lord. We had some doubts but God said take the Land! everyone got on the field and stood their ground and we saw God show up. What a victory celebration we had Sunday morning as we submitted to God, repented of sins and flooded to altar to pray. God broke my heart and we confessed our doubt/lack of faith as well as God's faithfulness. I have never seen a group of people 80-100 strong come together in three months to stand together for the sake of the community. What a great exhibit of what God has done IN OUR MIDST and what He will do in the future as we are Obedient to HIM! We are going to take back NJ for Christ.
The stand team and our church reached families for Christ! (go to http://www.myspace.com/etcooldad shut off the music in the red box and play the video of the stand team in our church)
We visited three schools and spoke to a total of 1,000 students and teachers (many came back to our church and accepted Christ).
We went on the radio 99.1 Star FM and thousands heard about the team, their love for Jesus Christ. (one family came from over 1 1/2 hours away and saw their three children accepted Christ for the First time.)
We saw pastors and people from churches in our area get excited for God and understand that we need each other to infiltrate our community for Christ
We had over 675 people attend our church in 5 days.
Over 200 people raised their hands to make a decision for Christ in five days!
105 people filled out commitment cards about their decision and we will follow up with them.
As God had not done enough, he has given us hope and increased our faith as a church to do anything short of sin to reach the families in our community and the world. We took in the Stand Strength team as missionaries to the world (www.standstrengthteam.org) !
Praise the Lord!
BTW...I was added to the team, ripped a phone book and was invited to break three bricks wit the team. What a feeling of the power of God and...YES it did hurt. BUT as I train God will give me the strength so that by next year I will be breaking some big walls. Oh how God is working. I praise His Holy name!!! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! AND HE IS COMING BACK SOON! GO TAKE THE LAND!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
What's happenin'!
- 11 attended Penn Jersey Youth camp
- 8 made commitments to holiness & TO BE DISCIPLED
- 7 gave their testimony on Sunday Morning
- We had 25 teens and 10 adult leaders in our dress for the mess event
- We had 27 at our wet and wild kickball event
- We already have a youth worship band (eventhough it is kinda heavy metal
- We kick off Pulse Explosion on Sept 6th (Thursday nights)
- This weekend we are traveling to Revelation Generation concert
- Stand Ministries is coming Sept 26-30th
In BIG BOY church..
- Redid the sound system
- Purchased & Installed 3 projectors (2 front and 1 rear)
- Purchased new computers
- Have ADULT discipleship classes/small groups starting in Oct on Wednesday Nights
- Children's JAM (Jesus and Me) starting (SS, Children's Church and Wednesday night)
- Stand Ministry outreach teams
- Committed to connect with God and connect with others
- New women's SS class -Beth Moore (Oct 07)
- Sunday/Monday Night football (men's event) coming with cable!!!
- Worship team is rocking!!!! with three teens playing instruments~
- We have seen over 30 people accept Christ as their personal Savior
- 5-7 men meet for prayer every thursday at 6:30AM
- Concerts of prayer every Wednesday night in Sept for Stand outreach
- I am joining a mentoring group with our DS Dr. Wood
- We had 76 people at our home last Sunday for an ICE CREAM SOCIAL (3 hours)
- We had attendance over 100! (107 and 135 during the summer - Doubling our attendance)
- We have seen a 25% -30% increase in attendance on average for two months!
On the home front...
- We love our new home
- We still have issues with our home in Michigan
- Peter is in school already and hooking up with others for a band
- Brianna has been out of the house with other girls most of the time and is doing great
- Matt is 7 yrs old and content with video games
- Doreen is in the worship team singing and will co-lead a Beth Moore SS class in Oct (everyone wants to be in the pastor's wife's class...lol)
On a personal note...
- I don't know how church planters do this from scratch
- I am working twice as hard now and we have a established building and land.
- I guess God knew my family limitations.
- This has definitely felt like a church plant and I am not a detail oriented guy
- I am still looking for more men/women to come along side me to cover my weaknesses
- I am dreaming for God and it kinda scares me sometimes the things he is putting in my head
- For Stand outreach in Sept he gave me a number of 1,000. Our church only holds 175-225 on a very good day and we have 5 services (do the math)
- I will be faithful and let God be God.
- I praise God for the great examples of leaders he has put in my life.
- The great news is that I have a great Godly friend here in NJ who wants to see Faith Chapel Thrive for Jesus! PTL
- Take a good look at our building...it might be changing in a couple of years as we grow!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Heaven is singing!
Well Our church has over 150 people at the funeral service and I preached from 2 Corinthians 4:16 - 5:10, “Do not lose heart, though our outer man is decaying . . ." Fore some reason, God wanted me to give a bigtime salvation message. I told the story of how Dr. Tony Campolo challenged a pastor and thus the "It's friday, but sunday's a coming!" speech.
Well I told that story and then said ... Thurday morning 12:30 am, Jane's lungs are struggling to gasp for air, you see for her it was Friday. The family and I circled around her bed and prayed because to us it was Friday. We read from Rev 22 as Jane looked lifeless on her bed at home, It was Friday for us. Jane opened her eyes and took her last breath and it was immediately SUNDAY for her! Absent of the body is home with the Lord 2 Cor 5. She not only saw us around the bed but I believe she saw Jesus and her husband waiting for her.
We gave a salvation message and around twenty people raised their hand to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior!! PTL Then I asked if anyone else wanted to receive Christ and read Romans 10 and asked those who wanted Jesus in their lives to repeat the sinners prayer with me. Around a third of the people recited the prayer!!! At least over 40!!
God is working even in death as this area of New Jersey will be HIS. We prayed in amazement after cleaning the church and did not want to leave. I had been in the office since 7am, the service was at 11am and we were still at the church till around 4pm. Praise God.
Alot of the people said they were coming back to our church. Messy floors, messy walls , messy, lives and alot of Jesus!!! To Him be the Glory.
What''s next... Stand Ministry the last week of September for 5 days. We are looking for around 1,000 to accept Jesus as their Savior.
Ed in the Country of NJ...Well I have some cows to evangelize and they can talk to the farmers..
ET Ramblings...
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
The Job life...NOT YET!
Well...I sat in my office this morning and cried to God about His plans. In my daily quiet time with God, I was overcome with the lonelyness of the changes happening in our lives as a family, the emotions of my wife and kids and not to mention the changes that God has shown me for Faith Chapel in my prayer time. He has called us to reach families and to reach out to the lost in anyway possible (anything short of sin). Change is hard on all but change needs to happen because people are dying and going to an eternal punishment without Jesus Christ and we have the answer! I just feel in my spirit that sometimes we are just to involved in what we want and do not see the entire picture.
He has already put burdens on my soul for people in the area. I met a gentleman across the street from the church named Wayne and I hope to talk with him more. I also met my nieghbor, Ray, who did not seem very friendly and cut the grass along the property border to show me the boundries. I need to see them with God's eyes and continue to love them.
I also know that people within the congregation will resist change. My family and I are struggling with that now so why wouldn't the church also struggle. I know I did not come to NJ to argue about change (worship, outreach or color of walls) and I won't do that at all. There is so much to be done and I just want to talk about Jesus to anyone who needs Him dearly.
...And I look at the calander and see James 1:12:
...For me and my house, we will serve the
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The World is MINE!!!
I put together the GLOBE thinking of how God would have molded the earth in His hands, how marvelous! I was also thinking of all the godly people in Michigan who wrote their stories into my life and let me write into their lives. There is something about personal stories that are still being written and how God wants us to use our imagination to do life with other and love them into the Kingdom.
If we claim to be a Christian, we must be Christlike in "entering other people's world"...as Christ has entered our world. Incarnation!
As pastors we need to look like what we are preaching. It seems impossible...(with man). All things are possible with Christ!
ET Ramblings...
Saturday, July 07, 2007
God moments!
On the Michigan front, my home has still not sold and I am leaving Sunday July 15th after service in NJ to fly to Michigan and pack up for our move on Wednesday July 18th...exactly 5 years to the date that we arrived in Michigan. So if anyone can help pack a truck on Wednesday Morning please be at my house. If anyone wants the house it is yours! Please pray.
ET Ramblings...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Time alone with God - Fill in the blanks!
Have you had your Appointment with God
Why? - Quit Time with God. Try this and fill in the blanks.
a. Jesus set the example to spend ______________ in prayer (Mark 1:35)
b. To discover God’s ______ and receive _________. (Romans 12:2)
c. To receive _________________ and ____ from God. (John 6:63)
d. For the joy of Knowing the Savior better. (1 Peter :8-9)
e. What does that look like?
i. Bible reading
ii. Prayer
iii. Scripture application
Just spend time with him answer a - d and let the word of God speak!
Just Listen...
ET Ramblings...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
What a WEEK!
The send off at CWC was nothing short of fantastic and the reception at NJ was the same. Peter and I drove to NJ on Tuesday and then I was at work on Monday going at it with Alan, the Vice chair of FC. We purchased a projector and mics, (added two more projectors on Monday), adjusted the sound system, rearranged the stage area and prepared for a county picnic.
THAT'S RIGHT I PLAYED COUNTRY MUSIC!! I still can hear the song in my head...
It was great! Around 20-25 teens showed up and we had a big water fight and a great game of football. We had baby goats which Matt loved and could not let go of. I thought they were our food! We had burgers instead! The teens here can rock musically. Peter connected with a guitar player named Ronnie (10th grade - like Steve McCoy) and I see God doing great things through them both.
I also am blessed with a great instrumental section...Chuck - is a great guitar player and picks up stuff fast as well as Ronnie and a horn section. Sunday we did How Great is our God and a young adult, Katie, added some flute...It was Beautiful!
Dr. Wood installed me on Father's day and it was a very emotional time for me. I praise God for this opportunity and pray that I will remain faithful. I already met our police department and did not get arrested!!! I offered my services as a Chaplain and am awaiting a meeting with the big guy there.
I do miss my fellow comrades in the office at CWC. It is kinda lonely in the office by myself and I can't wait for Doreen and the kids to come back. Keep praying for my home in Michigan to sell.
God bless
ET Ramblings...
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Me and My Shadow!
So Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat. He was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he himself was driving the twelfth pair. Elijah went up to him and threw his cloak around him. Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah. "Let me kiss my father and mother good-by," he said, "and then I will come with you." "Go back," Elijah replied. "What have I done to you?" So Elisha left him and went back. He took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them. He burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant. 1 Kings 19:19-21
Elisha means "my God is my salvation". This passage is a call to greatness as Elijah passes the torch to Elisha and Elisha leaves no way back to his old life. Elisha then goes and shadow's Elijah, the man of God.
As I shadow...
This last year, I have asked God for a double portion of the spirit He has blessed my former senior pastors/pastors/friends with:
- Pastor Mike Saunders - former/current policeman, ever working and on the move. A great administrator and man of integrity and a stand up christian!
- Pastor Matt Mabey - a man of Grace and Truth with a creative (left-handed intelegence) and a hand grenade preacher. Blessed by God as a mentor and writer. The surface is calm but waters run deep and true! Preacher/teacher, grace giver.
- Pastor Mick Veach - Although I know him for a short time, he is a man of his word and lives for God. Truly a leader with a vision and a prayer warrior.
- Pastor Garry Beecher - although not a senior pastor, we worked together for five years and weathered the storm of transition with me for 6 months at CWC. He has the heart of God, sensitive and caregiving.
- Larry Whitcomb - although not a "senior" pastor nor a pastor, he has openned a door to the spirit with his calm voice to let something loose... SO COOL ... HOJAHSDPIUGHEOQH(there I wrote in toungues!) The spiritual connection, a true man of God in every sense and a great worship leader.
Each have given me a vital piece of wisdom and friendship which I know has been ordained by God. Each obedient to the task that God has given them for such a time and each I am proud to call my friend for life. For I would have truely taken a bullet for anyone of them...ALL MEN OF GOD!
Being shadowed...
Having Jason share in this is great.Here is what I wrote in 2004 to the LBA in regard to Jason...
- Called By God to lead this ministry
- He is a natural Shepard!
- A proven and dedicated leader with the adults and teens
- Ministerial student seeking ordination
- A valuable asset to God’s kingdom and CWC’s youth ministry
Being shadowed and passing the torch is cool. We have been doing it for five years and He is God's man for such a time as this! God had shown me this over three years ago and to see how God has worked this out is amazing! I cannot wait to see the greatness He has for the CWC youth group as well as what He has in store for Faith Chapel in NJ.
May God bless HIS church as we remain obedient!
ET Ramblings...
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tiger's Game

When in Rome...wear a Tiger's cap...but only backwards. (Sorry METS!)
All in all there were 50 of us in attendance that day and we had a great time and only missed White Castles by three blocks (Thanks Jason, sorry Carl).
ET Ramblings...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
(GAPP) Youth Room is Finished - Michigan


Here is David in the sound booth!
Sound booth and snack bar:
Come and hear us worship : Come and fill me up
You're worthy of my praises
More love more power
The Message: Life in the Spirit - The Joy Filled Life (John 15)
The colors OF THE WALL are actually COOL: Maroon and Blue...
Et Ramblings
Monday, May 21, 2007
Michigan house needs to GO!!!!

One Month...Two Months?????


Saturday, May 19, 2007
Matthew, Doreen and I opened the pool in an overcast day and it was not as bad as last year!
We went to eat at Texas Roadhouse ("NY STRIP"...STEAK BABY!)
and then went to see Shriek 3.
We woke up and Matt was out on the deck
playing with Shadow.
What A day!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Grupido Funeral
Excerpts from the Funeral Sermon:
Phil 1:21 – “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
When I read this verse I can’t help but think of Larry.
When the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the church at Phillipi, the circumstances of his life weren’t exactly ideal. He was in prison - under house arrest in Rome – chained to a Roman soldier as his guard. Paul was a prisoner and yet this entire letter shouts with triumph. In 2 Corinthians 4:16 - 5:10, Paul tells us “do not lose heart, though our outer man is decaying . . ."
Here is the threat he is dealing with:
· His body--"the outer man"--is decaying; it is wearing out.
· He can't see the way he used to. He can't hear the way he used to.
· He does not recover from beatings the way he used to.
· His strength walking from town to town does not hold up the way it used to.
· He sees the wrinkles in his face and neck.
· His memory is not as good.
· His joints get stiff when he sits still.
· In other words, he knows that he, like everybody else, is dying. His outer man is decaying.
That's the threat to his courage and joy.
Although diagnosed on August 2005, Larry lived the last couple of months of his life a prisoner in a body that was filled with sickness – eventhough he asked WHY? He never really complained. He showed an appreciation of his loving, caring wife, ever protective of his children and trying to understand this God that he now believes in.
Ill: 1980’s Triathlon, Julie Moss (swim 19 miles, cycle 100 mi, run 26 mi). She was leading by over seven minutes when she hit a wall and colapsed. She fell again within ten yards of the finish line and crawled accross the finish line in second place.
A writer once wrote: Intense is the agony when the eye begins to see, the ear begins to hear, the heart begins to pound and the fact that the soul can feel the flesh and the flesh can feel its chains.
On April 29th, Larry walked the isles at our church and accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior by faith! I quoted Romans 10 and he took communion and said to me “ I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.” He asked me to come and talk to him about this God that he now believes in but does not know. He had questions!
He was a doer! He felt if he was a good person that that would be enough. I shared with him about the godliest person I ever read about “Mother Teresa” She admitted that she had mistakes in her life and had not treated some people the way she should have and needed the Cross of Jesus to make up for the gap between her and a holy God. Same with Bi8lly Graham.
He said he felt like a hypocrite, but I assured him that god had been chasing him all his life (Like He cahsed Adam and Eve). He said how can I believe in Jesus if I have not been with him. The early apostles wrote about Jesus but they were with him. I told Larry that God had been showing him unconditional love through his wife who had been faithfully praying for him since they met as young teenagers.
He also said that He did not understand why he was sick. He thought he had done something wrong in his life. That is why I chose 2 Cor 4:11 - 5:10 as the scripture today.
He loved his children the most and wanted His kids to love him.
I can hear Larry now saying Ed, make it quick! In the end, Larry chose God’s plan for the gap between him and a holy God.
...His wife of 37+ years said "The last 3 weeks of His life were the best three weeks of our marriage!" Praise God!!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve learned here. Being on staff here for five years has felt like getting a Doctorate in ministry! I feel that I have been the one who has been developed. My heart goes out to the staff and the church people for their investment in me and allowing me to invest in them.
I will miss the teens the most! Memories of smelly teens, weird hair, attitudes, yearning for love and understanding, looking for someone who cares, bumming a dollar for a pop, complaining, wild worship, did I say teens are smelly! Overnighters, Jason losing a kid in Indiana, young adults playing with my kids in my home, Delbert trying to rap, trying to talk to Steven McCoy after an all niter, crying with kids when their parents divorce, being the heavy (not the fat guy) the disciplinarian, speaking with parents/police, wishing parents would love and pay attention to their kids, Rita fixing Brianna’s room as she cried, telling teens the truth, messing up and asking for forgiveness, WHITE CASTLES double cheeseburgers, praying with Rod, the look in a teens eyes when they get it, the look in their eyes when they don’t get it, pure excitement to know God, getting Ordained, praying in nursing home with a 75 year old man to accept Jesus for the first time, the way teens want and need adults to mentor them and give them boundaries, teens embracing holiness and being with God, teens yelling “Pastor Ed…Dude” in the school hallway, having science teachers mad at me about creation questions, worship on the Romeo Peach Parade float, watching Janise standing on the counter aka “The Evangelism Linebacker”, Baptisms at Stony Creek, watching Dan and Riley play video games during a message, knowing Kristy will be fashionably late due to Belizean time, swimming in the mud at Wesleyan Woods, seeing Jason Fullum and Peter healed before our eyes, doing the Hokie Pokie in the office, feeding the homeless in Detroit, prayer and fasting, thanking God that Ruth finally will change her last name, working alongside teens in Pontiac and hanging with the Discipleship group! Having Cheri yell at me, that sweet feeling when you connect spiritually and musically with Larry Whitcomb on the Guitar, seeing Kris Johnson serve and worship, seeing friends rise above the hurt, GRACE, how I hate country music (thanks Jason Bailey), slapping Jacob Haupt and Austin Stulz in the back of the head, seeing close to 400 people accept Christ in five years, dodge ball, Kylasaurus and Cubasaurus (enough said), meeting Jon in the emergency room (over and over again), getting thrown out of the hospital, Gibbie’s broken arm…ouch, Peter’s ability to remind me what God saved me from, Brianna’s innocent heart, Matthew’s slick smile, Doreen’s strength and watching God show up and save the day over and over again! I pray God never takes these out of my memory.
In all, I pray that CWC continues to obey God!
“But your hearts must be fully committed to the Lord our God, to live by His decrees and commands…”1 Kings 8:61
God wants our Obedience…Not our Opinion!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Christian Missionaries Killed!
Aydin, 35, was one of three men martyred for their faith on April 18 in the city of Malatya, following a gruesome attack that involved several hours of torture partially recorded on their young assailants’ cell phones. Also killed was a 46-year-old German missionary, Tilmann Geske, who was preparing notes for a new Turkish study Bible.
The third victim, Ugur Yuksel, 32, also arrived that bloody morning for what he thought was a Bible study at the offices of Zirve Publishing. Zirve prints and distributes Bibles and other Christian literature throughout Eastern Turkey. As early as February 2005, a local newspaper warned that Zirve was under threat due to its activities.
Ugur YukselAydin felt the sting of rejection from his earliest moments as a believer. His family —staunchly Muslim — rejected him outright after his conversion. Disheartened that he married a Christian, they failed to attend his wedding. True to their convictions, they even rejected him in death and refused to attend his funeral.
“He was a very gentle man, very committed to the Lord,” recalls a long-time friend from his former church in Izmir. “He knew what it was like to love the Lord and put his life on the line.”
Chosen to play Jesus in a passion play at his church in 1999, he jumped at the chance, but the production faced obstacles. Local police conducted a mass arrest of the entire church a few months before the play began. “They said we were meeting illegally,” recalls one church member. While the church prevailed in the ensuing court case, police sealed-off the church, and no one could meet there for three months.
When they finally put on their first performance, the seats were jammed, and word about the successful production spread to other churches.
Tilmann & Susanne Geske & family
The following year, a church in Ankara requested the play. A month before it was set to begin, police arrested Aydin a second time, as a result of his Bible distribution efforts. Local authorities held him for a month on charges that he defamed Islam and “forcibly” sold Bibles. Finally, police released him after several accusers confessed they fabricated the charges.
The passion play moved to Istanbul in 2001, and this time it was filmed, with the video informally distributed to other churches throughout Turkey. The cast of 40 – mostly Turkish believers – knew this could be costly for them. Indeed, as their own video equipment recorded the event for church use, the secret police were also there filming the participants.
“He was not hiding his face,” recalls Fikret Bocek, pastor of the Izmir Protestant Church, and a close friend of Aydin’s. “He was open and courageous about sharing his faith,” he says. “Aydin was receiving threats in Malatya from ultra-nationalists and Islamists for distributing Bibles.”
Widows Susanne Geske & Shemsa AydinAydin became the pastor of the Malatya Protestant Church after he moved there from Izmir in 2003. Its 22 members met mostly in his living room, according to Bocek. Of these, eleven left Malatya after the killings, he said.
Malatya is far-removed from the cosmopolitan, European influence of Istanbul. Nationalistic and religious passions form a turbulent undercurrent in Malatya, which is also the hometown of Mehmet Ali Agca, who attempted to assassinate Pope John Paul II in 1981.
In 2001, the political climate throughout Turkey changed after the National Security Council made statements implying that Evangelical Christians posed a threat to national security. A campaign began in the media, as leading commentators and politicians railed against missionaries who “bribed” young people to abandon Islam.
Entering this poisonous atmosphere were a group of impressionistic teens who joined a group of “faithful believers” in Malatya known as a tarikat. “Tarikat membership is highly respected here ; it’s like a fraternity membership,” notes Darlene Bocek, the pastor’s wife, in a letter she sent out about the killings. “In fact, it is said that no one can get into public office without membership in a tarikat.”
Two of the assassins from the tarikat feigned interest in Christianity to gain the trust of Aydin and Geske, and even attended an Easter service some weeks before their crime.
The autopsy report has not been released, but various reports describe anywhere from 16 to 156 knife wounds as gruesome confirmation of their torture. The Turkish Daily News quoted Dr. Murat Uğraş, a spokesman for the Turgut Özal Medical center. He described the hospital surgeons’ fruitless efforts to save Yüksel, the only one barely clinging to life when he arrived at the hospital.
“He had innumerable scores of knife wounds,” Dr. Ugras said. “It is obvious that these wounds had been inflicted to torture him," he said. “His fingers were repeatedly sliced to the bone lengthwise. His buttocks, his testicles, his rectum, his lower and middle back had dozens of cuts. There was a very long and open cut on his neck from ear to ear.”
When Aydin’s wife arrived at the morgue to identify her husband, the attending official urged her not to remove the sheet covering his body from the neck down. “You don’t want to remember him that way,” she was told.
Despite Aydin’s sufferings, his face had a beautiful expression — frozen at his passing — as if he beheld heaven’s open embrace.
In a culture marked by an endless cycle of revenge killing, German missionary Tilmann Geske’s wife, Susanne, shocked many Turkish commentators when she offered the grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to the perpetrators. In one of her first statements to the press she quoted Jesus on the cross, saying to surprised reporters, “Oh God, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
Pastor Bocek affirms this attitude. “Overall, the reaction in our church is forgiveness,” he says. “There really is not fear, but a little more caution in the way we bring people to church. We already feel we are ready for whatever comes. We continue to evangelize, do our Bible studies, and have prayer.”
He sees evidence that God is already turning this horrible offense around for good. “Over the last 10 days, we’ve had four commitments to follow Christ,” he notes. Even a Jewish man in Jerusalem received word of the Turkish martyrs, contacted Pastor Bocek, and gave his life to Christ. “They didn’t die in vain,” he says. “God is really going to use this event. We all sense that something is coming.”
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Home Plate 2007


Program participants included: Detroit Tiger pitchers Mike Maroth, Todd Jones, Jason Grilli, and Nate Robertson, Tiger outfielder Marcus Thames, Tiger first baseman Sean Casey, Tiger coach Andy Van Slyke, Tiger broadcasters Rod Allen, and former Detroit Tiger Frank Tanana. Each person clearly explained when he trusted Christ and shared Scripture as part of his testimony. To close out the program, former Detroit Tiger pitcher Frank Tanana boldly and compassionately shared Gods plan of salvation.
134 people indicated making a decision to receive Jesus Christ as Savior (62 adults, 44 teens, 28 children).
1,320 people indicated making a decision to renew their dedication to live for Christ (820 adults, 340 teens, 160 children).

ET Ramblings...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
We are Sons and Daughters of the King, a Chosen Generation, A royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people belonging to God and when you are the king’s kid you have superior rights, when someone infringes on those rights they literally have offended the King Himself. In history, if the King didn’t invite you into their presence you could not appear before them or else it was death that you faced. When the devil infringes upon you, he has done so without permission from the King and therefore must be put to death. You have the RIGHT to put that devil to death in your life because you are a Chosen Generation, A royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people belonging to God.
Friday, April 27, 2007
1. You'd limit your programming.
The Conventional Wisdom in the restaurant business is find a good location, operate as many hours as possible to spread the fixed costs, and keep the food costs as low as possible. The Outback Steak House breaks all three rules. When Chris Sullivan and Robert Basham started the chain they wanted to have some life beyond steakhouse management for their two interests: boating and golf. Figuring their managers should get the same, they determined the Outbacks would only be open in the evenings - one shift a day. They thought offering everything all the time would water down the product. They decided to open less hours and do it better. What they discovered was both their waiters (and their pastor) avoided burnout (industry average manager turnover = 35%; Outback turnover = 5.4%). The point: doing less and doing it better. The Outback Steak-Church would do a few things really well.
2. You'd limit the seating.
Most Americans in love with vision more than Steak, prefer to dream big and build likewise. Hey, if you've got people lined up two hours for a steak dinner what would you do? Tear down your barn and builds a bigger sanctuary, right? Not at the Outback. The typical Outback is 6,000 square feet (with the kitchen taking more than half of that) and seats only 220. Only 220. Why? Because that's the optimum seating to guarantee a quality steak, according to Sullivan and Basham. Great Steak is their goal -- everything else serves the Great Steak goal. Is this an anti-church growth philosophy? Not necessarily. They just plant more Outback steak-houses in new locations. Which is exactly what they've done to the tune of more than 200 steak-house-plants in the last five years. They argue that an optimum facility is better than a gigantic one. An Outback Steak-Church would decide the optimum size then spin off other churches.
3. You'd recruit qualities then train for competence.
A friendly decentralized flat company, the Outback is committed to a friendly informal atmosphere. They worry more about friendliness than previous experience in their hiring. Instead of recruiting experienced cooks and waiters, the Outback hires 75-80 friendly people then trains them to cook and serve. They believe it is easier to add competence to friendliness than the reverse. The application is obvious.
4. You'd treat your workers well.
Outback managers only work from 3 PM to midnight and make about $120,000 a year doing what they love. The Outback's waiters start later yet and earn about $125 a night. Both work only one shift straight through. Morale is high, the managers stay put, (and the Sunday school teachers love it.) An Outback Steak-Church would value its workers, making sure they see their intangible eternal rewards which are far greater than a mere paper $120,000.
5. You'd serve first rate Steak-preaching-teaching.
The Outback serves Steak with a capital S. You don't go there for desserts or vegetables. You go for Steak. Every Outback Steak grew up in a particular area of either Nebraska or Colorado which produces the tastiest Steaks. Sure, the Conventional Wisdom is that people are eating less red meat, and entertainment is what they want from pulpits, but the Outback folk know better. If you serve great Steak, prepared well and seasoned delightfully, people will wait two hours to get a seat. It just might work.
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

...was started to highlight our families answer to plant a church in obedience to God and start a prayer partner information site. Little did we reallize that God had a plan to jump start the program! Faith Chapel started as a church plant and is now an established church. I will be taking over as the senior pastor and am excited at the opportunity to allow God to work through me and His people.

…the necessity of a re-birth, and
Please continue to pray for our housing, we need to sell our home in Michigan and find a home in NJ.
Our God is big enough!!!